Wrath of Jordan, Nic & Carly K.S Bennett September 26, 2023


Wrath of Jordan, Nic & Carly K.S Bennett
September 26, 2023

Everyone appears in court against us that operated at & with the responsible neurological technology labs between 1980's-2023 or you all die early

Rod, Marie, Jordan Bennett with Nic Bennett & Carly Koslov PT Group - CIG are operating with M.S.P Modern Separatist Group taking down everyone that operated at & with the three clusters of Ontario labs operating to spy on & through their bodies & for attempting to control or attack them 24/7 wirelessly between 2012-2023 & prior to 2012 daring between 1980's-1999 & again between 2000-2011

Everyone involved & connected has until October 15, 2023 otherwise we start executing more responsible targets using recorded & documented evidence collected by Rue Cypress Montreal - Neurological Technology labs 

Jordan Bennett CA.CPA

Dr Nicolas Bennett

Dr Carly K.S Bennett

The responsible neurological technology labs lured the three in & permanently connected their bodies up to illegally monitor & or monitor & control their bodies 24/7 & everyone involved & connected between 1980's-2023 are going down legally & privately now in 2023

PT Group - CIG 


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