Retirement - H.I.3 PT Group - CIG


September 23, 2023

The public can read the H.I.3 case the 11-25 hours & Blogger pages as it is available 

PT Group - CIG interests are officially retired as of September 15, 2023

Jordan Bennett the sibling of Dr Nicolas Bennett a PT Group - CIG interest still works as an accountant & is a Partner - owner at PWC Canada

PT Group - CIG is solely now just an investment group based in Montreal Canada focused on Canadian & international market or private I vestments for a return to sustain wealth portfolios of the invested families

Carly K.S Bennett, Nikki Koslov, Nicole R Bennett, Patrick R Bennett, Tekari Y Bennett & Nicolas Bennett are retired as are their children which are focused on studies & their private lives in Canada in Quebec & Ontario


We are not getting involved in anything to do with M.S.P or M.C.G & Rue Cypress Montreal - Neurological Technology labs which operate separately from PT Group - CIG effective September 15, 2023


PT Group - CIG



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