Copy - Past until 2025 H.I.3


September 29, 2023

Copy - Past until 2025 H.I.3

We are updating the career portfolio & H.I.3 case description intertwined together in new raw based PDF form copy - pasted from the Meta: Facebook profiles & connected Blogger pages 

It takes 30-60 hours to read everything & under 60 hours to copy-paste each timeline-main page, photo album & description then blogger pages posts 

Any one person or group can follow suit & copy-paste then review anytime as it is made public since between 2016-2026 with latest updates September 29, 2023

We are allowing this until January 1, 2025 at which point the public access situation will be reviewed & we will vote if we keep the information public rather than a new Corporate image & professional portfolio 

Prehistoric Territory


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