Canadian Government, Banks & Private Sector + private interests


Canadian Government, Banks & Private Sector + private interests 

September 27, 2023


The area of the Canadian Government that wanted to clip our wings & discredit us as frauds in efforts to take us down & force us to die a slow & painful death between 2012-2023 after prior efforts taken between mainly 1990's-2011 as individual people are facing criminal charges as citizens outside of their roles in the Police services or Government for their involvement operating with or at the opposing neurological technology labs responsible for attacks on Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett

If M.S.P Modern Separatist Group interests cannot press charges & sue all interests involved & connecting for financial damages & have them incarcerated they are getting killed along with those connected past - present

Bullets in the forehead - skull
Necks fractured
Knocked into neurological technology networks under watch & control 24/7


PT Group - CIG


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